





SpecOps commander


Locust is basically everyone's worst nightmare; a droideka with the intellect of a sentient being. He and his kind were built as the first of droideka's; however, the Trade Federation din't care much for intellect and thought the prototype was too expensive. Which meant that Locust and his kind would be destroyed and salvaged for the new, mindless droidekas that the galaxy came to fear. However, Locust escaped his former masters. From the experience, he developed a strong hatred for the Trade Federation and Colicoids, and, eventually, for every single organic lifeform in the universe. He eventually wound up in Darknon station, where he has lied dormant, waiting for a time to come out of hiding.
Though Locust is a machine, and therefore unable to feel any actual emotions, he does see every single living being as a threat and act accordingly. He's very intelligent and will try to make allies out of those threats- but he'll always be wary of their actions. Though his ability to process data is impressive, the information in his data-banks is very old; he's learned nothing new since the end of the Clone Wars- in fact, he never even learned the wars were over, or that an Empire was founded. He therefore is quite eager to learn new things, though, as a battle droid, he leans towards information regarding weaponry and spacecraft, but also politics, culture and many other things- as long as he can use it to increase his power.
Locust is a powerful machine, and quite a big step up from the regular droideka's. His equipment includes manipulators, a rocket pack, a vocabulator, and a connector to access other computers. He uses the latter to control technical systems or even upload his own programming into other droids or machinery. He's quite capable of standing against a large number of opponents, but prefers to minimize any risks to his own existence. His only fear is anti-droid weaponry, such as EMP-cannons and restraining bolts.


A Jedi Master:"To put it bluntly, you're a threat."
Locust:"To put it bluntly, you're not."

Most memorable moment

Blasting down a dark jedi who was fightging two jedi, the two I just saved turn their attention to me and slowly walk towards me. Locust aims his guns at a point in the floor between them, and states "that's close enough". It instantly unnerved the two Jedi.